Live Reviews

  Popa Chubby live at The Ferry in Glasgow

Maybe it is some kind of kindred spirit thing but Scotland has always had a place in its affections for the blues. Glasgow is a long way from the delta but, deep inside; we feel the same things and therefore know a real practitioner when we see one. Or even three when Popa Chubby and his two cohorts - AJ Pappas and Rich Monica - took to the stage at The Ferry in Glasgow.

"Let the Music Set You Free" is almost a battle cry as Popa Chubby took the audience on a journey of discovery through the entire history of the guitar in not just the blues but in all of popular music. Surf guitar, Hendrix, even a bit of Clapton - it was all there. And that's a smart commercial move too as there was something in his set for everyone who ever loved anything about loud guitars. It is also pleasing to report that this was a well attended event with people travelling distances to see the big man.

popa chubby at the ferry

Popa Chubby kept the chat down and, in fact, kept the singing down as well as he let his guitar spread the word. Merging every sort of guitar style together with a fluidity that could not fail to impress, he got a noisy and well deserved reception from the faithful. Long, languid solos merged in with edgier, urban moments and like all the great blues guitarists, Popa Chubby knows the value of leaving space for the music to breathe as well. It is only later in the cold light of day that you can actually appreciate just how good his technique is. At the time, you just felt the music. Kudos are also due to the abilities of AJ Pappas on bass and especially, the caffeine powered Rich Monica on drums.

Somewhere around a stirring cover of "The Thrill is Gone", it occurred to the Bluesbunny that what we hearing was the distilled essence of guitar music. Not long ago, we had the pleasure of seeing Boo Boo Davis perform a fine set of old style down-home blues at this same venue but what we got tonight was an understanding that the blues underpins all sorts of other types of music. That has been said by many people smarter than us before but this was the first time that the case has been proven live on stage. Now Popa Chubby is a big man and he has certainly got the music in him so Bluesbunny reckons that there will be plenty more to come from him. Lang may your lum reek, Popa Chubby!

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