Song reviews

  Chalk Dust Torture by Chris Gullace

Chalk Dust Torture cover art


Seventies style rock moves permeate “Chalk Dust Torture” and Chris Gullace duly takes the upbeat road straight to your beer drinking heart. It’s a song for the road and probably even a song of the road. Time for another drink.

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  The Witch by Kaia Kater

The Witch cover art


Literate to the point of becoming truly poetic, Kaia Kater demonstrates that she can successfully turn emotions into lyrics that will hold your attention. “The Witch” does indeed cast a spell on you.

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  Cakewalk by The Garrys

Cakewalk cover art


Sibling harmonies, jangly guitars and a general vibe of smoke filled wistfulness drive “Cakewalk” onwards to a better place than today is. The Garrys do their thing and make you believe that it is all possible.

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  Sweet Nothings by Otlo

Sweet Nothings cover art


Once more into the breach my friends as Otlo unleashes his song “Sweet Nothings” onto a world filled with fluffy bunnies and sensible sweaters. The song is pretty much schmaltzy synthwave yet, with such a simple message, it just works.

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  Familiar Love by Boogie Monster

Familiar Love cover art


Ploughing the retro neo funk groove are Boogie Monster with “Familiar Love” making all the right radio friendly moves to make into your sunshine playlist. It’s a lightweight song but it might well persuade you that summer should last forever.

  Peace Train by Kitty Solaris

Peace Train cover art


Looping some topical lyrics into the sequenced retro beats that keep “Peace Train” on track is not without sonic appeal and it would be a shame if only the cool kids got to hear this song. Kitty Solaris is on trend with this one.

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  The One by Ben Hemming

The One cover art


If you are into old school blues rock then look no further than “The One” by Ben Hemming. There are no surprises, as you would expect, but the song successfully burns up the riffs and also makes bourbon drinking even more fun. Cheers!

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  Necropolis by When They Riot

Necropolis cover art


When They Riot layer their riff at the front indie rock moves with some proper manly intensity to give their song “Necropolis” a dirty, perhaps even grungy, appeal to those who might regard smiling as some sort of hate crime. Bleak.

  Tears From Space by Bear Of Bombay

Tears From Space cover art


Yet more proof that the sequencer will never die is provided by Bear of Bombay with “Tears from Space” looping often and onwards and the reverb laden mantra making the occasional appearance to keep the synthesisers company. Chant away.

  Grimey by Outblinker

Grimey cover art


Like a soundtrack cue going maniacal, “Grimey” fills your ears with vocoder trickery and misty memories of prog rock drumming excesses on its way to convince you that Outblinker should be your new head band of choice. Inhale then exhale!

  Rainy Day by Jessica Woodlee

Rainy Day cover art


I am getting something akin to a showtune vibe from “Rainy Day” yet that is no bad thing as drama and pianos are made for each other and Jessica Woodlee has no problem going straight for the maximum emotion gun and pulling the trigger.

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  Dirty Love by

Dirty Love cover art


Chicago rock ‘n’ roll hits the road again with showing that staying in the female fronted lane will keep you on the freeway until the dawn replaces the dark. The riffs keep coming too so playing loud will keep you on course.

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