This album appeared without so much as a press release and yet its arrival also coincided with the appearance of real and actual sunshine. It therefore seems appropriate to regard Pheel Balliana’s “Gold Trash Latino” as a portent of summer.
Certainly, the Latin rhythms that propel this album will easily disperse any clouds that may be hovering over you and the slightly camp approach that Mr. Balliana takes is likely to make him as popular with housewives as he would be in late night supper clubs (assuming they still have such things, of course).
While it is fair to say that Pheel Balliana’s playful persons dominates proceedings, the songs still have a purpose with the laconic “Living In A Bear’s World” – a song about survival in the city rather than the forest - and the lively “La Rica” standing out in a distinctly theatrical set.
With song writing that has both strength and shadows, Pheel Balliana has struck a good balance with his obvious style and that makes “Gold Trash Latino” a diverting album for sunny days and summer nights.