OK, it’s Monday night. Things should still happen on a Monday night. It is merely a matter of finding them. Putting your mind to the task in hand, as it were. Thirty seconds later, a quote came to me – “The Great Nuclear Misunderstanding lasted 2 minutes and 28 Seconds (including the peace treaty)". It’s a bed sitting room kind of thing so tonight would have to be intimate and acoustic. Time therefore for a singer songwriter style metaphysical rant.
Amanda Williams. She’s enough to distract you. She’s been compared to Ellie Goulding but I hope she has aims higher than that. None of that look at me I’m so sensitive that I make Fray Bentos look like mass murderers singer songwriter self importance here. She turns instead to the path of righteousness. The path of proper songs that you can sing along with should that be your wont. And it should be when you have confidence and ability in the same package.
Diversion time. Eagle eyed barmaid spots unprofessional drinking conduct at a table. With all the precision of a cruise missile on a peace keeping mission, she intimates to the perpetrators that a sharp exit will be required of them. They attempt to play the vegan solidarity card but she trumps them with a pork chop. If I were a megalomaniac evil genius hell bent on world domination then I’d want her on my team.
Mathew Pieraccini. Hold on a minute. Where did this guy come from? He can’t be from hereabouts as he can actually play his guitar and simultaneously displays more warmth than the Italian sunshine in an episode of Montalbano whilst his choice of songs indicated that good taste could well be his middle name(s). That’s life, that’s what the people say and Pieraccini provided the proof tonight.
Philosophical moment. Two minutes and twenty eight seconds for a nuclear misunderstanding? “Teenage Kicks” lasts 2 minutes and 26 seconds so you would still have time to listen to the best song ever before the lights go permanently off. An end of the world thought to take to bed with you?