I keep thinking that I must have heard these songs before. That might sound like a bad thing but really it is not for, while there is something familiar, something reminiscent of the British jazz funk bands of the eighties, about the songs in “Little Madness” by Mindless Motion, the reason why these six songs and a cheeky Chardonnay go so well together is soon evident.
Sung entirely in English, even though the band are based in Prague, “Little Madness” are about as well-mannered as you are likely to get these days and the politeness and the precision of the performances are a reminder of the value of true musicianship with the interplay of Tereza Zajícová’s confident and sophisticated vocals and David Le Cam’s saxophone decorating all that you hear with the kind of cool that always wears sunglasses. I don’t often think of getting lost in music these days yet “Danube” is one of those songs that you might want to lose yourself in. In fact, if I could actually be a river I would, after listening to the words and music of Mindless Motion, indeed want to be the Danube.
A band with a supper club scope, Mindless Motion combine rambling lyrics infused with poetry and sunsets, eloquent and confident vocals and highly efficient musicianship to make you wonder why you might listen to anything else with your bottle of wine. This isn’t a band that anyone would consider radical or anything close to radical but such their obvious musical conviction, it is nonetheless difficult to dismiss them.
Available from Bandcamp and the usual digital places.