Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Approved By The Motors by The Motors

Approved By The Motors cover art

Artist: The Motors
Title: Approved By The Motors
Catalogue Number: Virgin V2101
Review Format: LP
Release Year: 1978

Haven't listened to this album by The Motors in while. It's still got a Woolworth's price sticker on it too so it must have been bought while still in the chart way back in 1978. In case you are wondering where the Scottish connection is then I'll tell you. Bass player Andy McMaster was born in Glasgow.

The album features their biggest hit - at least as far as I can remember - "Airport" and the rollicking sing-along "Forget about You. Both written by Mr McMaster by the way, along with that rather more dodgy bit of psychological warfare and obsession "Do You Mind" ("…I wanna squeeze you and break your bones - do you mind?"). When you look back at this album, it was a class slice of late period British rock before punk pushed it into the sidelines where it remains to this day with only its bastard offspring metal brazenly showing itself in public.

Interestingly, the sleeve notes even list the manufacturers of all the instruments that each band member played along with the story so far, so to speak. It even states that the album was originally recorded on an 8 track tape recorder. How did bands manage without ProTools? These days, give a musician enough rope and he will hang himself in the name of self indulgence.

This album got reissued on CD in 2006 with some bonus tracks but it isn't too difficult to track down a decent vinyl copy on your old friend EBay. In case you decide to go the vinyl way, original copies have the sleeve opening at the top rather than the side. That will save you the surprise of watching your prized purchase bounce off the ground. Reckon Andy McMaster is still about as well as he has a page on MySpace.
Review Date: October 13 2008