Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Girl, This Bed Is Too Big Without All 12 of You by Horatio Lee Jenkins

Girl, This Bed Is Too Big Without All 12 of You cover art

Artist: Horatio Lee Jenkins
Title: Girl, This Bed Is Too Big Without All 12 of You
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2008

What with being sensitive to their feminine side and the widespread use of moisturiser (I actually though that was a German lager until I got married), men ain't what they used to be and consequently no longer do they have the respect of women. With shopping for shoes having replaced being of service to their men, women are now doing it for themselves.

However, there is one man on this planet who knows the old ways are what women really want. That man is Horatio Lee Jenkins and, in this humble country flavoured ditty, we learn that he is a generous man who shares his bed with twelve women - what a saint! - but he is also a man who misses one of his good ladies when she has to go out of town for an interview. Fortunately, there was a solution to this heartbreak and the way the lyrics put it is quite moving:

"The other 11 girls sure tried, but my love is a heavy chore
They knew it'd be more fun, if we could have 12 girls like before
Mindy called her sister and she sure came through
And lucky for us, Mindy's sister is just as hot as you"

By the end of the song, there are no less than thirteen women in the same bed. Only the great Horatio Lee Jenkins would attempt such a feat - and he's not even a Mormon!

Available from CD Baby.
Review Date: October 30 2008