Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Little My's Seventh by Little My

Little My's Seventh cover art

Artist: Little My
Title: Little My's Seventh
Catalogue Number: WeePOP!024v
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2008

From the title we can assume that this would be Little My's seventh release and it is on Britain's cutest record label Wee Pop As is the custom from this label, it is beautifully packaged and pressed on blue vinyl too.

Little My stroll through the four songs on this EP like a playful bunch of minstrels wandering the countryside in search of a pagan ritual. You know the kind of thing - a bit of alfresco sex and human sacrifice. True musicians love that kind of thing. The first song, "Sellotape My Hands" is suspiciously cute even though you wonder if lyrics like "…you say you like it but I can never be that sure" hint at some rather more sordid subtext. The handclaps that open "Leaves Nothing" make the song sound like something the  Famous Five would sing round the campfire (before the human sacrifice, of course). Then, just when you thought it was safe to go out again, the ghost of Freddie and the Dreamers gets exorcised in "Guess Who". It was just so eminently likeable that it caused a bout of not only unconscious humming but also old man dancing.

There are only 300 copies of this single in existence so you'd better be quick and get yourself one before the world finds out who this band really are.

Available from the Wee Pop Records website.
Review Date: November 16 2008