Live Reviews

  Steph McLeod, Jono and the Viragoes live at The Liquid Ship in Glasgow

Beer in hand, Bluesbunny reflected on the glamorous life of the reviewer. Hanging about with singers, songwriters and record producers. Drinking fine wine and imported beer. Lap dances by the dozen. Limousines. Private jets. No thought of those less fortunate than ourselves. Nothing to draw our attention to what is actually happening around us. Or perhaps there is.

Watching Steph McLeod made the Bluesbunny feel a touch uncomfortable. He says he is a recovering alcoholic and has previously used the streets as his usual place of residence. Yet, in the convivial surroundings of the Liquid Ship, he seemed right at home. The song that made us uncomfortable was "Man in the Cold" as it detailed his experiences of life in a cardboard box. He did not avoid the fact that it was his own fault either and, indeed, there was an almost cathartic feeling to songs like "Grace". Not light entertainment then but an intriguing performer nonetheless.

Another singer songwriter next as Jono takes to the stage. A local boy hoping to make good with his soon to be released album, he seemed a touch lightweight after Steph McLeod. Having said that, his songs - "Nothin' Like That", for example - have definite mainstream appeal and he sings with conviction. He also saved the best to last when he turned the emotion up with "I Can't Help You Get By".

It must be the night for new albums as the Viragoes also have a new album ready for release in August. It should be a good one too if tonight's performance is anything to go by. "You're Not My Friend" seemed friendly and bouncy enough until it metamorphosed itself into a snarling ball of fury. That mix of soulfulness and manic energy that the vocal interplay between Louise and Lee-Ann brings to their songs is a delight. Even the infuriatingly catchy "She's Fly" had that feeling of being just this side of out of control. Not a band to be ignored and that's a fact. You might remember those old ads where mummy brings the gravy boat to the Sunday dinner table? Ah! Bisto. Well, tonight, the Bluesbunny ears went: Ah! Viragoes.

It might have been our social conscience getting pricked earlier but Bluesbunny nearly felt guilty about getting a large portion of chicken pakora on the way home. Nearly.

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