Live Reviews

  Some Boy, Club None and Archangel live at ABC2 in Glasgow

Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. What is it with summer in Glasgow? You need a canoe to get about. Fortunately, you don't have to go far before you can find shelter. If you define shelter as a pub, that is. We do. To the State Bar then and take the opportunity to dry out with a Deuchars IPA.

Next stop, the ABC2 for the launch of Some Boy's album. There won't have Deuchars there and the Guinness will be in one of those infernal, cheap and bendy plastic glasses. Is it any wonder that no one wears suede shoes anymore? At least it will be dry in there.

2 guys appear on stage. They turn out to be called archAngel - Euan Walker on the acoustic guitar and Peter Innes on the keyboards. What to make of them… well, not entirely sure to tell the truth. At times they sounded like stripped down, melancholy version of the stadium rock genre and then they turned into the Doors do political cabaret ("Russia"). There was an intensity to their performance that bodes well for the future but their precise musical direction was a bit unclear.

Next on were Club None. This young 3 piece band were a lively bunch belting out their songs with a devil may care attitude. The sound didn't exactly do them any favours but it would appear that this was some sort of farewell gig. Certainly they had brought along a fair sized crowd that knew how to make some noise. Loud and brash, they are the kind of band that would frighten Morrissey and that's just fine with us.

some boy live at the abc2

The headline act tonight was Some Boy and they were doing the launch thing for their new album "The Ten Bob Recordings". They did it with some style too with a drum solo covering the band's entrance on to the stage. Lead singer Al Wright - in his trademark hoodie - rattled out the songs like a rock star. You can't help but think of Frankie Miller as he sings. There was a star turn in Crawford Smith on bass as well. Every time Bluesbunny has seen Crawford before he has been one man and his acoustic guitar. Tonight he metamorphosed into a master of the groove. Just in case there wasn't enough in the way of musical weapons in Some Boy's armoury, they even drafted in Louise from the Viragoes on a couple of songs to ramp up the vocal hitting power. "Dark Sky" stood out but all of their songs came over loud and proud. Then they ran slap bang into a ridiculous 10pm curfew and that was it over. Always leave them wanting more or so the saying goes but that particular rock train was just getting up a head of steam before it got derailed. We was robbed!

Outside in the rain again. Only one thing to do. Sorry, two things. Go to the State Bar for a consolation pint. Then get some chicken pakora.

Review Date:
