Live Reviews

  King Creosote and The Red Well live at The Oran Mor in Glasgow

As part of Glasgow's West End Festival, the seemingly nocturnal King Creosote decided to book a two-night stint at one of the city's most overpriced venues, the Oran Mor. Budget restrictions and my own reservations about paying more than £3 for a beer meant that I downed nothing stronger than water. Thankfully, the music saved me from departing in search of cheaper, better beer.

Despite what the notices pinned to the walls suggested, the support act was not Pictish Trail - he would be involved later. It was, in fact, a band called The Red Well, from Edinburgh. Don't judge them on that though, they weren't at all bad! Making a helluva racket on "Broken Eyes", this group owe as much to Neil Young as to the Manic Street Preachers. There was a fair amount of quality musicianship on show and, although a little rough around the edges at times, there's little scope to fault them in terms of rocking out. This band gives Edinburgh a good name.

So then came Kenny Anderson, aka King Creosote. Over the years, this folker from Fife has spawned innumerable albums - so many that maybe even he has lost count. There stood a boy with great wit and the musical talent to back it up.

Three songs in and his band - including the aforementioned Pictish Trail on guitar - were welcomed to the stage. While the introduction of the full band brought an obvious prescence, it felt at times like they were drowning out the weight and worth of Anderson's words. At other times, they added great colour to his words. Variety was the watchword of the evening with the band offering bluegrass sounds one song then Franz Ferdinand worthy dance-pop sounds on the next. Such was the depth of Anderson's back catalogue that he seemed amusingly troubled at times when attempting to deal with requests. Can't fault the boy for trying!

King Creosote is clearly a guy who doesn't need to be told in which direction to take his music. He has his followers, his CV, and plenty of time on his hands. It wasn't the most convincing performance but everyone seemed to be having a good time. That'll do!

Review Date:
