Live Reviews

  Izo Fitzroy live at Bar Bloc in Glasgow

A Bluesbunny know no fear even venturing into what easily be called "student bars" like Bar Bloc. It was a fairly dull Wednesday night, after all, and the call of the Guinness was strong. Onward, brave soldier!

Well, the Guinness was cold. Extra cold in fact. Obviously spotting that I was not the usual type of punter to frequent the establishment, the bar staff apologised for the lack of regular Guinness. Must have been the lack of a Lenin t-shirt and a straggly beard that tipped her off…

Playing the soundtrack to the Bluesbunny's alcoholic adventures tonight was Izo Fitzroy. One woman, one keyboard and a whole lot of theatre. Plenty of drama in her performance tonight with many a jazz flavoured flourish of the tinkly ivories on show. She topped it all of with a highly distinctive voice that challenged the rather obvious limitations of the sound system. Her songs? Equally eclectic - they covered subjects like Sainsburys, mullets (the once trendy haircut rather than the fish), and the relationship between fat people and their "feeders". She sounds very much like an original to me.

There is plenty of live music out there and sometimes you get lucky and hear something a bit special. Izo Fitzroy is certainly that.

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