Live Reviews

  Chris Blair, Ross Neilson, Jim Byrne, Alexander Murray and Ciaran McIlwham live at Lebowskis in Glasgow

It's one man and his guitar night at Lebowskis tonight. At least that is how it seems with tonight's five contenders - Chris Blair, Ross Neilson, Jim Byrne, Alexander Murray and Ciaran McIlwham - all fitting into that musical category.

First up tonight is Chris Blair who does double duty as our host for the evening. As is his custom, he warms the audience up with a few songs from his new album "For You To Lead&" before handing over the microphone to Ross Nielson.

Ross Neilson, who also trades under the name Zen Transmission, rattled through a short set of stripped out rock songs with "Sun Bled" standing out from the pack before handing over the stage to Jim Byrne.

Jim Byrne - a veteran on many an acoustic night in Glasgow's west end - is a polished, urbane performer whose musical comfort zone is somewhere between country and folk. Showing the good taste expected of him, he  finishes on a cover of a John Martyn song.

Next on was Alexander Murray. He has a positively spooky ability to sound good on the most modest of sound systems and tonight is no exception. "City Streets" and "River So Wide" come across with his customary poise and the word is that he has new recordings in the pipeline.

Last on was Ciaran McIlwham. Looking a lot younger than the rest of the more seasoned performers on stage tonight, he nevertheless showed some style especially on the guitar. Not the best environment for him perhaps but there was a fair degree of intensity to his performance that makes him worth watching out for.

The road - and the kebab shop - beckons once more. Very decent Guinness tonight but it does bring on the hunger for spicy food. Once more into the pakora, dear friends!

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