Live Reviews

  Crawford Smith, Martin Wright, Jocky Venkataraman and Andy Flett live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow

In this ever changing world in which we live in, there are these things called rumours. The latest rumour to reach the Bluesbunny's ears was that the government intends to tax the written word. Their thinking behind that is only intelligent people do the written word these days and they will be the ones asking the all important question - "Was it fiscal policy or greed that screwed the western world's finances?". If they are broke then all they will be concerned about is if they can afford a tin of beans. Starvation and an inquiring mind don't often go together.

Anyway, just in case the above turns out to be true, there will be a lot less rambling than is usual for one of our reviews. Like the man said - action!

Damn, arrived too late. Missed one of Glasgow's most buoyant performers, Crawford Smith. Next on was Martin Wright. He had a sleepy, somewhat gruff vocal style and proved to be an earnest performer. Following on was Jocky Venkataraman. An odd one this guy, coming across like tweepop goes acoustic. At least he had a very obvious sense of humour. Rounding things off was Andy Flett. Now here was a man who knew his way round a guitar and his voice was like Tom Waits without the cigarettes and booze. A confident performer and a deservedly popular ending to the evening.

Another Free Candy Session over. Chicken pakora to follow. The end.

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