Live Reviews

  The Luchagors, Psyko Dalek and 4 Past Midnight live at Barfly in Glasgow

It's Saturday night and the Bluesbunny is on the loose. Acknowledging the variety of music on offer in Glasgow, I found myself enduring The Luchagors, whose only claim to fame comes in the shape of frontwoman Lita, formerly of WWE wrestling fame.

Local punks 4 Past Midnight began the evening. "Down and Out" was hard-hitting streetwise punk rock while the politicians were getting it tight on "Party Political Bullshit". Strangely, they have two songs in which they confusingly declare that they are the "4pm Crew" but, when the music compels you to hop around, it's difficult to care. A clearly besotted fan continually took to the microphone to add his vocals. While he sounded awful, it's good to see such a level of devotion in music. Ending on a furious version of The Ramones' "Pinhead", off went the best act of the night.

Local "hardcore" act Psyko Dalek came next. While rap-metal is seriously lacking in musical credibility, this act managed to pull it off without the foolish posing and misogyny. "Uphold the Law" was the first of a few supposedly Robocop-inspired songs on offer - "Robocop 2" being another. Though a solid performance, the band may as well have turned up to a Cliff Richard gig. Thankfully, frontman Div recognised that they didn't quite fit the bill but chose to keep it professional and joke between songs. In the right environment, this band could be impressive.

And so came The Luchagors. Never before have I been so massively underwhelmed by a headline act. For all her stage presence, Lita looked out of her depth in front of a mere crowd of around 50. Drowned out by her band on songs like "Burn" and "Crazy World", the only people who created an atmosphere were the small portion of wrestling fans that showed up. Take the celebrity from the band and this act wouldn't have got a gig.

Like the odds-on favourite being overturned by the 100-1 outsider, this evening's main event turned out to be a massive disappointment. Thankfully, the quality of the support acts made the evening not so long.

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