Live Reviews

  Craig Hughes, Emma Forman and Jim Dead live at The State Bar in Glasgow

It's Friday night again. Pretty much unavoidable. However, through some good fortune I found myself in the State Bar. Better yet, there was music to be heard! Jim Dead, Emma Forman and Craig Hughes were the entertainment for the evening. Guinness, please.

Jim Dead played first. It is often an issue with brilliantly-named artists (such as Mr Dead) that they struggle to live up to their moniker. No such problem for Jim.  Although minimalist in style, the set was nonetheless compelling. Slight variety was shown in his ever-so-folksy songs, with "Hotel" being a particular highlight. One to look out for. Let's face it, you won't forget the name.

What Emma Forman may lack in size (for she must stand a cute 5'3''), she more than makes up for in song. On tonight's evidence, Ms Forman let's her music do the talking. Flirting with blues and folk sounds, Emma also boasts a voice that cannot be ignored. You would skip work if it conflicted with an Emma Forman gig. I'd advocate it!

Now, Craig Hughes is what you would call an imposing performer. Not the kind of guy whose beer you'd want to spill. Better off seeing him live. Armed with fine wit, anger, and a Takamine, Craig Hughes suppressed all his frustrations and observations into a brilliant 45 minute onslaught. Imagine RL Burnside was deported to Glasgow for his sins. Might well have sounded like Craig Hughes. Brilliant.

Ah, the State Bar. You just can't go wrong with it. But alas, closing time comes! Back to reality then. Or maybe not.  

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