Live Reviews

  Sonny Marvello and Louise Against the Elements live at Stereo in Glasgow

I love Glasgow. It's full of wild women, bars and places that sell chicken pakora. Yes, Bluesbunny is in a good mood for a change.

In fact, I don't think my mood would really matter as even the most miserable git on the planet would - no doubt grudgingly - have to admit that the joyous music provided by the above two bands put a big smile on his face.

Take the unrelenting commercial appeal of Louise Against the Elements as an example. This is a band with annoyingly catchy songs that just won't leave you alone. You think you're safe on the bus home? No you're not, for you are humming one of their songs. Another thing, I thought that my eyes were deceiving me but at the front of the stage, there were men dancing. Glasgow men actually dancing! Methinks that Louise girl could start a riot if she wanted to. Baby Blue, I love you!

sonny marvello photographed by Dave Taylor

I think I'll take a more academic approach for a moment. People often ask me what the sound of Glasgow is. I've pondered that question for a while now and I think I have an answer - it's the same as it always has been.  It is one part top quality musicianship, one part songs with melody and one part style. I don't mean branded style either. I mean people who absorb their influences but follow their own path. You'll not find a better example than Sonny Marvello. They grab your attention for they have a sense of grandeur that suggests that they could play to the world. As a band, they are focussed and show that deadly determination to get their musical message approach but you know the best thing about Sonny Marvello? They play like they love what they are doing. That's the sprinkles on your fairy cake. That's the real sound of Glasgow - the sound of a band that loves making music. Sonny Marvello is such a band.

Photo courtesy of Dave Taylor.


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