Live Reviews

  Vendor Defender, My Electric Love Affair and Julia and the Doogans live at The Captain's Rest in Glasgow

Strange things happen in the world of the Bluesbunny. I've been to Lancaster where barmaids sing Gershwin and green eyed singers tell stories of Spanish speaking seals. Then it's back to Glasgow for business as usual and it's off to the Captain's Rest.

If you want a mellow start to your evening then you won't get much mellower - or sweeter - than Julia and the Doogans. They're sweeter than a macaroon bar and they're probably good for you too. The band not the sugary snack, that is. With songs like "Hummingbird" and "Maps of the World", the world seems a warmer, nicer place. Julia and the Doogans are as welcome as a nice cuddle. In fact they are like Ovaltine for the ears.

And now, as they say, for something completely different. My Electric Love Affair don't really do songs and they certainly don't introduce songs. What they do is play something more like movements in a greater musical concept. Like some sort of hybrid between psychedelic and shoegaze, their songs just ramble out and entrance you. Or they might cause you to leave the room rapidly. However, they were rather fine musicians and that was more than good enough a reason for me to stay. The bass player was wearing a Biggles flying cap and goggles by the way. Strange but true.

Vendor Defender were altogether more conventional. Three minute danceable pop songs are what this three piece band have, and they have plenty of them. Certainly popular with the very decent sized Monday night, they bounced through their set. You can see them doing well.

Beware seals who speak French, by the way. I have it on good authority that they can't be trusted.

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