Live Reviews

  Crawford Smith, Outi Smith, Hannah O’Reilly and Lost the Plot live at Cosmopol in Glasgow

Glasgow. Monday night. It's still raining so, much as I want to walk the streets of this no mean city and soak up the ambience, off to Cosmopol I go to seek shelter and music.

The ever affable Crawford Smith picks up his acoustic guitar once more and starts the evening with a cover and a few originals. And a rather fine bit of string breaking. He's not one to hold back so something like that was bound to happen.

Outi Smith is next to the stage. The aforementioned Mr Smith accompanies her for a couple of songs before she takes to the keyboards by herself. Fortunately for us, she has her voice with her too. That voice drifted over delicate melodies to enchanting effect with the song sung in her native Finnish - I'm not even going to attempt to spell it - coming off best.

Hannah O'Reilly proved to be a rather more conventional solo female performer. Armed with some serious vocal hitting power and the ubiquitous acoustic guitar, she rattled through the whole relationship thing in song. Songs that guys just won't get. Unless they drink low strength lager and were deprived of a Scalextric when they were a kid.

Rounding things off were Lost the Plot. This three piece band - so I was told - is a collection of renegades from Scheme records. From their relaxed demeanour, they clearly knew their way around a stage. Many a stage perhaps. Marie Sinclair handled the words like an old pro and it has to be said that they went down well.

Time to head back home. The rain washes the streets clean. Maybe it will do the same for my sins?

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