Live Reviews

  Rallion, Kat Healy live at Pivo Pivo in Glasgow

Severe weather warnings come in handy. Just about sailed to the pub. As I stood getting wet at the bus stop, the question crossed my mind: "Why leave the house on a miserable Tuesday night?". The answer? Rallion were holding a launch night for their new album, "One For Sorrow" at Pivo Pivo. As it happened, it was worth the health risk.

First on was Edinburgh lass Kat Healy. Now, this girl has a voice to soothe a troubled mind. Over simplistic guitar patterns, Ms Healy cast a spell on the room - the non-ignorant majority, that is - with fragile gems such as "Another Way To Fall", her voice rising and falling like the gentle winds of spring. A most welcome sound, and a most enjoyable performance.

Next up, Rallion. The atmosphere was good, the crowd plentiful, and the band seemed to acknowledge this in their performance for the Glasgow-based quartet really seemed to be enjoying themselves onstage. Fiona, on the fiddle, kept the crowd amused between sets with some witty banter and jokes. You have to love Glasgow humour. I think it's to do with fear.
With it being a CD launch, tracks from  "One For Sorrow" made up the best part of their set. While mostly playing contemporary Celtic music, there was also room for some continental flavour - most notably "Wat Zullen We Drinken", a popular Dutch drinking song. By this point, the urge to tap your foot had firmly set in.

Well, that was a good evening aided perhaps by a bottle of Duvel or two. Do I go for another and risk surrendering the use of my legs? Best that we let that one go unanswered.

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