Live Reviews

  No Fxd Abode, Inner Sight, The Feuds and Goosedubbs live at ABC2 in Glasgow

You've got to love the ABC2. It's a fast in fast out kind of place. You're in the door shortly after seven and you're launched back out on to the street by ten. Not so much a music venue as a fast food emporium. Accordingly, some high speed reviewing was called for.

Up first were Goosedubbs. To tell the truth, there's not a lot to be said about them. The drummer was great but the rest of the band unfortunately didn't make as positive an impression. After all, it's not as if the world - or even Glasgow - is low on indie rock bands.

The Feuds were rather more interesting if inconsistent. They started - and indeed finished - using some punk fuelled musical firepower but in the middle of their set they took a rather less successful foray into Oasis territory that detracted from their undoubted ability to grind it up.

Inner Sight seemed familiar but it wasn't until they covered "In the Year 2525" that I remembered that it was but a short while since I had last seen them. As I recall, there were also more of them than in our last encounter. They did a lights out entrance before launching into a set of commercial, crowd pleasing songs so it wouldn't be too great a surprise if they turned out to be destined for greater things.

Headlining tonight were No Fxd Abode. Young they may have been but they had no shortage of gritty, perceptive lyrics in their songs. Firmly rooted in the streets, they blasted out their message of urban frustration with conviction and hardcore guitar riffs. It's clear that they mean what they sing and that's a refreshing thing in these days of pop idolatry.

When I die, I will most likely go to the hell of the brunettes in short, sparkly dresses. Reckon I'll find No Fxd Abode there too.

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