Live Reviews

  The Raveonettes and The Northwestern live at The ABC in Glasgow

Time to visit that great arse of all venues - the ABC. You'd think an occasional drinks promotion wouldn't hurt but here we are. Thankfully, the evening wasn't to be a total downer as The Raveonettes shook the foundations of the place.

First up were The Northwestern. Coming at you with a rather big sound, this band mean business. Loud guitars and commanding drums were the buzzwords for this act. Reminding you of a host of other English rock acts - without any one in particular standing out - this act, while hardly adventurous, put in a damn good show and will surely go on to better things.

And so came The Raveonettes - instantly recognisable as that Danish act with the luminous blonde. Pinning down their sound is always fun. Adept at crafting neat pop songs, with cute-as-you-like delivery from Ms Foo, they can also bring the house down with rock 'n' roll abandon. That was tonight's lesson for anyone who didn't know. My guess is that most did. Powerful, loud, and armed with intent, The Raveonettes are a live act to treasure. 

There we are. Even poor venues can play host to fine shows. Now for a decent, humanely priced pint. To the State Bar we go!

Review Date:
