Live Reviews

  The Last National Band, Jamie Flett, Jim Byrne, The Recovery Club live at The Liquid Ship in Glasgow

I sometimes wonder why I spend so much time in basements. There must be some deep rooted psychological reason for it. Or maybe it is a sign from above regarding my final destination. It can't just be the music. Anyway, I am once more in a basement  - this time of the Liquid Ship - for the last Free Candy Session of 2009.

The tone for the evening was set by Jim Byrne as he brought comfort to the soul with his eloquent and mellow songs. Showing commendable dexterity on the acoustic guitar, he made the time pass in an amiable manner with the cherry on the cake being the intertwined elegance of the harmonies when Dinny joined him on stage.

The Recovery Club were new to these ears but they made a very positive impression. Again, this trio provided mellow sounds with Amy Rafferty's almost ethereal voice bringing silent respect from the audience as those delicately fragile songs drifted around the room. A captivating performance.

Trying bravely to remind us all of the sunnier sounds of folk rock from the west coast of the USA were the Last National Band. Three part harmonies were to the fore but it was just too cold outside for their valid attempt at defrosting to be successful. One for the warmer days ahead perhaps?

Last on tonight was Jamie Flett. Although still following the mellow path, his laidback approach nonetheless highlighted the shadows rather than the sunshine. Aided and abetted by his brother on guitar and harmonies, this was a distinctly reflective performance with - once again - "Ruby and Pearl" being the best song of his set.

Sometimes you find answers. Sometimes you don't. Sometimes you just have to hand your car keys to fate and see where you end up.

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