Bluesbunny needed to get in out of the rain. It wasn't actually raining but, to quote the old saying, it is the thought that counts. As it was Thursday night in Glasgow, our refuge of choice was the Terminal Bar. Located near Pitt Street police station, it is not the usual choice for someone with outstanding parking tickets. It does, however, feature a rather fine acoustic night. Tonight it features Lynne McIntosh, Craig Casey and Emma Jane.

Lynne McIntosh is a relative newcomer to the Glasgow stage. She looks delicate but determined. Despite suffering from a cold, her voice moves us. No problem with the songs either with the tender "Sleep Tonight" and the altogether more aggressive "Boxed In" being of particular note. There is an interesting point to be made here. Bluesbunny has seen many singer songwriters lately during his forays into the Glasgow night. However, there have not been very many performers on show. The money might well be in the publishing deal but to fill seats you need to sell yourself to the crowd. Ms McIntosh is from Clydebank apparently and has actually studied with the likes of Carol Laula. It showed in her performance. She even remembered to bring along CDs of her songs to sell. The potential is there so we think that it is a fair bet that we shall all be hearing more of her.

Next up is Craig Casey. Very much in contrast with Lynne McIntosh, he plays with near naked ferocity. He just aims himself at the microphone and goes for it. Starting off with a ferocious cover of "I Don't Need No Doctor", he plays in the country blues style seasoned with urban aggression. Sort of like early Dylan meets Frankie Miller, songs like "Gonna Get You off My Mind" and "On the Road to the Infirmary" sail across the room on waves of nervous energy. He picks a mean guitar and his voice suits the uptempo songs particularly well. An angry young man indeed but he does have something to say.

Last on tonight is the delightful Emma Jane. Sitting on a stool facing a cold world of musical indifference, she stands her ground. She performs a mixture of covers and her own songs. Her version of "Son of a Preacher Man" is more Loretta than Dusty and "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" is handled in a sensitive, respectful manner. Notwithstanding these songs, she is clearly more comfortable with her own material. Whilst we normally associate Emma Jane with slow, contemplative ballads, it is "Now You're Gone" that impresses us most, being delivered with true passion. End on a high note - that's the way to do it.
We end on a bit of bad news. Looks like the Terminal Bar will be closing at the end of this month depriving Glasgow of another opportunity to experience live music. To avoid unfortunate events like this occurring again, we urge you to go out and listen to more live music.