Live Reviews

  28 Costumes and Louise Against the Elements live at King Tuts in Glasgow

Sunday night at King Tuts does tend to be a quiet affair. Perhaps that explains the odd scheduling where the supposed headline act went on second instead if last. Or perhaps it was a yet another symptom of the Glasgow disease of "pay to play".

So 28 Costumes went on before their supposed support band and still did their full set. Not a sonic hardship of course as this Liverpool based four piece band have mastered that currently popular indie pop sound but also manage to throw some quirkiness into the mix. Chris McIntosh's vocals come across loud and clear as he emotes his way through the songs. There are dramatic moments too when the band just ignore the microphones and yell out their message to the crowd. Obviously not lacking in confidence or polish, they made their mark with "Apologies" being the standout track from their songbook.

Well, it would seem that Louise Against the Elements had brought most of the crowd tonight. The more the merrier in the Bluesbunny's opinion as it helps confirm our assessment of this local band. The band are at full strength tonight with Denis Brogan's keyboards adding some theatrical flourishes to their commercial yet so very danceable sound. "Baby Blue" - to use an Americanism - kicks ass and "Sinful" gets transformed (again!) but it is still the weapon of choice for pop pickers everywhere. They certainly brightened up a dull Sunday.

Time to hit the road. Guess what? It's still raining.

Review Date:
