Live Reviews

  Sonny Marvello and Models for the Radio live at Stereo in Glasgow

Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a story. It's a story that I have told before but it is as true now as it was then. It is the story of Sonny Marvello - a band with a plan.

There's a diversion en route and that diversion was called Models for the Radio. A young four piece band, they gave a notably tight, well focussed performance. You'd expect that of any band that dared to share a bill with Sonny Marvello. Models for the Radio are a band that knows where they are going and it could well be fun to be along for the ride.


Sonny Marvello live

The main event took to the stage and event is the correct word to use here. Even given the number of times I have seen Sonny Marvello perform, I was still impressed by the sheer scale of their performance. They just sound like they should be playing a vast stadium instead of a basement venue. As a band, the aim to convince not just the front row but also the people way up at the back with what could only be classed as a truly dynamic set. Songs old and new washed over an appreciative audience. One more thing, they even sweat with style!


There are times when I wonder about this supposedly wonderful melting point of musical talent that is supposed to exist in Glasgow actually is (you can tell I've had to watch way too many singer songwriters fail to tune their guitars...) and then you make the acquaintance of Sonny Marvello. Life is good.

The Sonny Marvello plan? World domination. Nothing else will do.

Review Date:
