Live Reviews

  Phiktion and Miss the Occupier live at Macsorleys in Glasgow

"Customers are reminded to use the handrail and take care on the stairs". How I love being lectured when walking up the stairs at a train station! It's a pity they don't give really useful advice like "Don't breakdance whilst eating chips". Anyway, this is a something of a random review as I didn't even know Macsorleys still did live music.

I'd only planned to got to Macsorleys for an important business meeting on how Bluesbunny was going to engage in a bit of world domination and, unlike Daleks, we can handle stairs (even if they lecture us…)

Phiktion (OK, work out the pronunciation for yourselves…) turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I'm no fan of computer generated electronica but this guy (and his Apple laptop, of course) proved to be quite interesting. He'll need to work at filling the long gaps between songs but the music was good. There were echoes of the Yellow Magic Orchestra and Keith LeBlanc aplenty but the most important thing was that, unlike so many musicians that attempt escape from bedsit land, Phiktion was actually entertaining.

Miss the Occupier pretty much define interesting. The assembled Bluesbunnies couldn't recall exactly when this band was last seen but it was the general consensus that they have seriously improved. The drummer and guitarist never smiled but hit the mark every time and lead vocalist (and bass player) Roz bounced and cavorted with the microphone like a woman on a mission to buy the perfect pair of shoes with the result that those simple punk flavoured ditties brought joy to the audience. You can't argue with that.

All that and there's still time for chicken pakora…


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