Live Reviews

  Florynce and Lauryn, Donald Macdonald and Graeme Macdonald live at The Liquid Ship in Glasgow

It's another Tuesday night in Glasgow, and who would have guessed - it's raining! But it's review time again and I'm off to the Liquid Ship for a Free Candy Session.

Kicking thing off were a duo called Florynce and Lauryn. They played well, both had good voices and their songs were surprisingly catchy and melodic. Although there were a few mistakes here and there like forgetting words and sometimes missing cues, there was an also an appealing general quirkiness about their music which - dare I say it - put a smile on my face.

Next up was Donald Macdonald who had a great voice. There was a general strength apparent along with that Scottish twang. It was his first gig in Glasgow apparently, and he played well. For his last song he got crowd members to waltz next to him as he played "My Last Waltz". Anyway, he had a harmonica and anyone in this day and age that looks to a harmonica over other instruments goes down well in my book.

Final act of the night was Graeme Macdonald - no relation to the previous Macdonald - and he, like the two acts before him, had a strong voice that he complemented with a sharp, cutting guitar style. He also at one point handed out various instruments to members of the audience and instructed them on how to play along with the beat. Soon after that he had everyone clapping along with and dancing to his songs.

Another night over and another review done and, for once, it was an all round good gig. There was dancing, singing and clapping and, on that happy note, I make my way back home.

Review Date:
