Live Reviews

  Emma Jane, Pamela Quinn, Caldy and Peter Getty live at Pivo Pivo in Glasgow

Like a man on a mission, I once more descended into the basement bar that goes by the name of Pivo Pivo. Oh, the mission? Oanadid Records Heat 2 - play spot the winner of this week's little competition. Pitting their musical wits against the audience are Emma Jane, Pamela Quinn, Caldy and Peter Getty. Let's look at their form.

Emma Jane is slight of stature and big on experience. She knows the score having been highlighting her talents around the acoustic venues of Glasgow for the last few years. The stage lights throw her into shadow but her talent shines through. Maybe a little tired tonight, she makes a spirited last dash to the finishing post with "Don't Want You Now".

Caldy showed why experience is a good thing. Two young guys with two guitars should have worked, but too much time extending their songs beyond a furlong left them behind the pack. That being said, you never know what a year or two will do to their form.

Positively bursting with energy was Pamela Quinn. She leaps straight out of the stalls with confidence and a belter of a voice to go straight to the front of the pack. It's all in the attitude and she has the attitude of a winner. One to watch in the future for sprints and longer races.

Last to show his stuff was Peter Getty. With an easy stride, he soon took his place in the race. He was no sprinter but he set the kind of pace that his polished maturity would lead you to expect. He might not be at the front of the pack but he will always finish the race. A good each way bet, in other words.

So Pamela Quinn is first past the post tonight. I give some thought to rewarding her with a pint of Krusovice. An idea soon abandoned as it would mean one less for me. Beer. So much more than a racing commentary.

Coming soon - a rather better metaphor (unless my muse actually has deserted me…)

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