Live Reviews

 Live Review

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 Tut Vu Vu, Smack Wizards, Einstein Cross live at Mono in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Amanda Williams, Mathew Pieraccini live at The 13th Note in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 The Mathletics Team, Rubashov live at The Flying Duck in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Owls in Antarctica, The Future Capital, Skinny Rhino, Just Home live at Pivo Pivo in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Jim Byrne and The Blackwoods, Dinny live at Brel in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Colin James Murphy, Rafiki, Rolled Up 20’s, Michelle Jean, Ripley live at Maggie Mays in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Sara Douglas, Holly Ogilvie, Danny Davis live at The Black Sparrow in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Dave Aitken, Lital Ami, Diana Schad live at Linen 1906 in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Fanny Pelmet and The Bastard Suits, The Plimptons live at The 13th Note in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Rosie Bans, Erin Todd, Laura Corrigan live at The Roxy 171 in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 From Our Hearts, Miss The Occupier, Fat Janitor live at The 13th Note in Glasgow

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 Live Review

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 Holy Esque, Blindfolds, Kill Surrrf live at The Captain's Rest in Glasgow

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