Paula Knight and Let's Play God live at Rockers in Glasgow
Mirel, Paul Docherty and Caragh Nugent live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
Devon Sproule and Chris Garneau live at ABC2 in Glasgow
The Zips, Swing Guitars and Peri live at Barfly in Glasgow
Steph Black, Redmond and the Viragoes live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
How's My Pop live at Wagon and Horses in Lancaster
Big Baby Ernie live at Gregson Centre in Lancaster
Hercules Mandarin, Pete Shellard and Bruce Nicol live at MacSorleys in Glasgow
Traquair, Reed & Hutchison and Cousti live at Liquid Ship in Glasgow
Lancashire Hotpots, Postcards from Home, the Fusiliers and New Noise Pollution live at Barfly in Glasgow
Twilight Robin live at Macsorleys in Glasgow
The Radiotones and Le Reno Amps live at Nice and Sleazy in Glasgow