Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Shitting Glitter

Sidesaddle Sweet Talk  cover art

 A review of Sidesaddle Sweet Talk by Shitting Glitter

Review date:


Looks(ee) cover art

 A review of Looks(ee) by Krestovsky

Review date:

  The Rounders

Wish I Had You cover art

 A review of Wish I Had You by The Rounders

Review date:

  The Raveonettes

Lust Lust Lust cover art

 A review of Lust Lust Lust by The Raveonettes

Review date:

  Wild Billy Childish &
the Musicians of the British Empire

Punk Rock at the British Legion Hall cover art

 A review of Punk Rock at the British Legion Hall by Wild Billy Childish &
the Musicians of the British Empire

Review date:

  Wild Billy Childish & the Musicians of the British Empire

Christmas 1979 cover art

 A review of Christmas 1979 by Wild Billy Childish & the Musicians of the British Empire

Review date:


Heirloom cover art

 A review of Heirloom by Jameylee

Review date:


Brave New World cover art

 A review of Brave New World by Intodown

Review date:


Elegie cover art

 A review of Elegie by Ginnicide

Review date:

  Sarah Williams & the So Called Friends

That’s Not Me b/w Song or Souvenir cover art

 A review of That’s Not Me b/w Song or Souvenir by Sarah Williams & the So Called Friends

Review date:

  Augusto Monk

If Girls Don’t Come to Me, I’ll Go Home on My Own cover art

 A review of If Girls Don’t Come to Me, I’ll Go Home on My Own by Augusto Monk

Review date:

  The Fiery Furnaces

Widow City cover art

 A review of Widow City by The Fiery Furnaces

Review date:

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