Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Summerland by Paul Bailey Ensemble

Summerland cover art

Artist: Paul Bailey Ensemble
Title: Summerland
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2002

I like PR blurb - the blurb for this album by the Paul Bailey Ensemble reads "… explores the juxtaposition of pop song forms and harmonies through post-modern and minimalist gestures". That just about puts me out of a job if I understand its meaning correctly. Which I probably don't.

"Summerland" is not exactly a conventional album. There are no song titles for a start. Nor is there any obvious common theme. Nyman-esque soundtrack cues could be a description of one track whilst the following track moves into a mellow, neo-baroque area. The end result is sort of ambient if you consider the individual parts but not if you look at the whole. Now, I don't know if that was a deliberate move but it does seem that the tracks don't really gel together into an album.

In conclusion, this is one of those albums that you don't really listen to directly. Not that it is background music - it is certainly too good for that - but much like a film soundtrack, it works best when it is not subject to your direct attention. The standard of musicianship is high and sound is fine too so it might well win a place in your affections.
Review Date: September 6 2009