You wake up. You think - and it is a horrible thought - that all the music in the world has gone antiseptic, safe and characterless. You go through an entire day worrying about that. Then one night at an acoustic night in Glasgow, you encounter Jocky Venkatarman.
Scotland is known for its characters. Admittedly most of them are near psychotic drunks but whatever way you look at it, we've got more than our fair share. Our Jocky gave a performance veering wildly between confidence and the kind of self loathing that made Morrissey a star. This album is likewise inconsistent. He wanders wildly off key with only the most simplistic guitar for company on "Why Am I Stuck" then heads straight off with confidence into the territory owned by the Proclaimers in the title track of this compilation "Can't Go There". More of a poet than a singer, he seems at odds with his own words and, whilst this is a fractured compilation, you can't doubt our Jocky's intelligence or intent. I doubt he'll ever do a happy song but where would we all be without miserable bastards like him?
This album is available as a free download from Wiseblood Industries. What's stopping you?