Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Sweetness and Light EP by Anata Wa Sukkari Tsukarete Shimai

Sweetness and Light EP cover art

Artist: Anata Wa Sukkari Tsukarete Shimai
Title: Sweetness and Light EP
Catalogue Number: Bearsuit Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2009

There's something comforting about uncovering unusual music. The fact that something so deliberately uncommercial can survive and even get a release is good to know.

Anata Wa Sukkari Tsukarete Shimai is a collaboration between Japanese and British musicians. Nothing here really reflects either culture as it is more of a mood piece - ambient electronica, if you like - and consequently more the kind of music that drifts around in your head than causing an outburst of party sing along. For a start, dreamy vocals and even distorted vocals just float over the songs. The songs themselves are oddities sometimes lo-fi and sometimes bursting with clarity but always with a strange ability to derail themselves without warning. Even the most conventional of the tracks on this album - "My Drive" - snaps in the middle and then glues itself back together. I suppose what I am saying is that each song aroused my curiosity rather than stole my heart as I was never quite sure where the song was going to go.

Just for your information, this EP sounded a lot better on headphones than it did on speakers. On speakers, everything seemed wrapped in an amorphous fuzziness but all became clear when using headphones. Something for you to bear in mind…
Review Date: October 2 2009