It was sometime ago when I first made the acquaintance of a band called How's My Pop when they played in a waterside pub in Lancaster. They made an impression for sure but, like so many, they vanished from my view. It was with some pleasure therefore that I found their album "On the Hop".
It's a quality effort as well. Andrew Raven's words echo Britpop sensibilities throughout and there is also much to commend in the performance of the rest of the band. You can't fail to compare How's My Pop to the likes of Blur or Pulp with an exquisite sense of melody pervading songs like "Potential Energy" and "September in Paris" giving a quite grandiose sweep to the proceedings. Maybe that's the mark of greatness - the ability to create songs that sound like they should be played by an orchestra.
Despite suffering from numerous sonic faults, this is nonetheless a fine album from a fine band that deserves success.