Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Secrecy and Sex EP by Reader's Wives

Secrecy and Sex EP cover art

Artist: Reader's Wives
Title: Secrecy and Sex EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2009

Reader's Wives are a Dublin four-piece who describe themselves as Indie (amongst other things). Their debut EP "Secrecy and Sex" incorporates valuable lessons that can be learned from predecessors in that field, with obvious influences including Morrissey and The Clash. So how about the music?

The first track entitled "Sexually Attracted to Myself" is (believe it or not) a ballad. The music is soft and entrancing, the lightly distorted lead guitar is elegantly poured over soft acoustic and a late on string section makes a wonderful addition to the ambient sound. The vocals are expertly backed in the chorus. All in all this song would make for great listening were it not for the spoof-like lyrics that take this song from a great Indie Ballad to a somewhat gimmick laden track. This might work for some, but for me it takes the integrity from an otherwise cracking song.

Moving on to "Advertising Heroin" and I'm sorry to say… it's been done before. The music is simple and messy as are the vocals and the lyrics. The only saving grace is that the chorus is surprisingly catchy in an annoying I-can't-stop-singing-this kind of way. The song is reminiscent of The Fratellis and the Arctic Monkeys and not in a good way. Moving swiftly on…

To "I don't need to be seduced" Now here is a song. This is a charming, catchy acoustic number which reminds me of early Turin Brakes which is in no way a bad thing. The vocals are almost pitch-perfect and carry a welcome arrogance. The best track so far.

"Dublin is all Pubs and Cranes" What can I say? This song reminds me of the View and that is not a good thing. An acoustic track with lyrics about the working class… I'm afraid once again this has most certainly been done before. The vocals are not always on key and the backing vocals are almost all off. This is the worst track on the EP. My advice would be to skip it and go straight to the last track.

"I Know I'm Not Your Hero Anymore" reminds me of the late, great Jeff Buckley. Okay, so the guitar is not perfect and the vocal effect is rather annoying but the song is a hidden gem. The lyrics are emotional and the Dublin accent is prominent for the first time and it's more than welcome. This song is the best on the EP and it shows a more serious side to the band.

The EP is well written and for the most part well rehearsed. A competent effort with some snags but, hey, nobody's perfect. Reader's Wives are certainly worth a listen and this will not be the last we hear from them.

Best track "I Know I'm Not Your Hero Anymore"
Review Date: November 10 2009