Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Escape From Glasgatraz b/w Madame Nicotine by The Viragoes

Escape From Glasgatraz b/w Madame Nicotine cover art

Artist: The Viragoes
Title: Escape From Glasgatraz b/w Madame Nicotine
Catalogue Number: Metropolicana BB003
Review Format:
Release Year: 2009

The Viragoes are a bluesy pop rock quintet hailing from the badlands of Clydebank, (their words not mine) and never once in all those times of sitting on those rain soaked benches at New Kilbowie did I think that the place would make me smile again but this cheery little ditty does just that. Moving along nicely in the time honoured fashion of jingly jangly pop songs - even if it could have been cut by 30 or so seconds so - it fits where it should which is right in the feel good category. Complete with pleasing harmonica and mandolin fills and a touch of Eddi Reader about the vocals, "Escape From Glasgatraz" is, all in all, a good pop song. The track has that Glasgow vibe to it that harks back to the heady more innocent days of the late 80s and early 90s, long before r&b saturated the airwaves.

On "Madame Nicotine", The Viragoes show their versatility with a fusion of rock and soul. The song has lots of energy and is well produced but, at the slowed down middle eight, similarities to Shirley Manson's Garbage are difficult to get away from - not necessarily a bad thing.  I think this number would go down a storm live. Be sure to check out The Viragoes MySpace listed below or bust a gut to get a hold of this, their latest offering.

Available from Metropolicana Records.
Review Date: May 14 2010