Album, Single and EP Reviews



  This Is Where I Draw The Line b/w Fireworks Were Short by Pareto

This Is Where I Draw The Line b/w Fireworks Were Short cover art

Artist: Pareto
Title: This Is Where I Draw The Line b/w Fireworks Were Short
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2009

There are many indie rock bands to be found in Glasgow. Some aspire to greatness through originality and some by adopting the styles of those who have already succeeded. Pareto have found a third approach - they sound like every band you've never heard of.

"This Where I Draw The Line" is dominated by a primitive and overly prominent guitar and what's left in terms of musical space is taken up by the half chanted, angst ridden vocals. This is a basic sub three minute song but your attention will wander long before the end.

Apparently "Fireworks Were Short" is the 'B' side of this single. Only the song isn't actually short as the song rambles on for over four and a half minutes. I mean, the song starts off fine but after about 30 seconds, you realise that all you are going to get from that point on is that primitive and overly prominent guitar.

I am trying to think of something positive to say about these songs but the best I can come up with is that they might appeal to you if you are 14 or under.
Review Date: November 26 2009