Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Lights Off Headphones On by Jack James

Lights Off Headphones On cover art

Artist: Jack James
Title: Lights Off Headphones On
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2009

There is a saying - or at least there should be one - that when you've heard one singer songwriter from Glasgow then you've heard them all. Wallowing in angst and overdosing on Radiohead and Snow Patrol, they portray their pain in a never ending series of strum alongs. I can even be sexist here and say that it is a guy thing too (because it usually is…).

Having said that, Jack James proves to be the exception to the rule. For a start, he takes the blows that life ands on him and learns from them. From the awkwardness and confusion that women bring to a man ("Visit") to those little men we've all met who live only in pubs ("This Guy") and a rather poetic reflection on isolation ("Safe House"), Jack James sings with the voice of everyman. "Lights Off Headphones On" is an album that portrays a dignity so often missing from the songs of self effacing and self pitying contenders in this no mean city. Don't get me wrong - this isn't a collection of happy songs but it is one that exudes hope and compassion throughout and that is something that I, like many I hope, can relate to.

Despite this apparently being a home recording, this album sounds fine and Jack James is in fine voice throughout. One final thing - this album is available as a free download.
Review Date: January 3 2010