Album, Single and EP Reviews



  The Diet of Worms EP by Laki Mera

The Diet of Worms EP cover art

Artist: Laki Mera
Title: The Diet of Worms EP
Catalogue Number: Rhythm of Life
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2008

There are musical genres that just work so much better on headphones and ambient electronica is one of them. Accordingly, this eight track - well, seven and a reprise - EP by Glasgow band Laki Mera was auditioned on headphones. Even managed to turn the lights down low and open the curtains…

Since all the tracks are instrumentals, I've tried to judge them on the mood that they create or might have been intended to create. There's an oddball, city-at-night feel to the opening track "Reactooor" even if it is a bit like the soundtrack to an Audi advert. "Blatant Corridor" keeps the urban thing going but adds a feeling of menace and "Cartago 2" has an appealing robotic simplicity.

The problem here is - for those of you exposed to the ethereal wonders of Laura Donnelly's voice on the band's "Clutter" album - is that it all seems a bit cold. Fans of this type of things will find much to enjoy here but I missed the consuming warmth of Ms Donnelly's voice.
Review Date: January 3 2010