Fatalists are a three piece outfit from Scotland, this is their debut single and that's pretty much all I know about this band.
"Staring Into The Distance For Jesus" is an angry, untidy song that squeezes in some laconic, minimalist vocals over a simplistic guitar riff. The drums get punished and the bass gets pummelled in a song that never really goes anywhere stumbling through uncomfortable changes in tempo before off into the night it goes.
"Headache" is noise meets rock and is something of a throwback to more creative times in eighties' New York. Cataclysmically loud with the drums used as little more than a weapon, I wouldn't be surprised if this song proved especially compatible with fart pipe equipped Peugeots. Again, the minimalist approach to performance is taken but you can (just) about feel the urban anger and frustration underpinning everything.
I'm sure there is an audience for this out there and at least it isn't pretty boy indie rock. Be thankful for small mercies.