Sometimes this Bunny gets tired of the easy listening sound of "Bright Eyes" by Mr Art Garfunkel (or 'Curly Bonce' as I like to call him), and I want to ROCK! Just as well, 'cause along comes the Scruffs…
"When it Rains" opens the track list with a blend of crunching guitars, punky rhythms and up-beat vocals this might, just might, bring a smile to an Emo. The next track comes charging headlong, all blind fury and artificial harmonics. Containing nifty harmony guitar and growling bass, it has some great instrumental breakdowns - shame the title of "Lucifer's Concerto in the Key of D " is so unbelievably naff. "These Days Are Our Last" has a dreamy psychedelic feel but the growl of the break sounds like a collision between early Iron Maiden and a tortured harpsichord." Colours", on the other hand, is glorious slice of Pop Metal" with an easily shoutable chorus that almost demands that you pump your fist in the air, but still gives you a breather with a watery guitar break before returning to the main riff for a final stomp on your senses.
The only downside is the somewhat uneven production. Don't get me wrong, Anton MacAuley's drumming is some of the best I've heard, but the dry, tight, No Wave sound doesn't sit comfortably with some of the more overtly metal tones of Stephen Dowling. Also, leaving Gary Donlin's vocals so stark and a bit on the thin side exposes the struggle to hit the higher notes and makes the listener want to grab the throat lozenges.
Despite the limitations of the production, the 4 tracks on this EP are well worth checking out. Superb musicianship, a breadth of sonic textures and songs with plenty of imagination show off a band to watch.