Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Touched EP by Strangetouch

Touched EP cover art

Artist: Strangetouch
Title: Touched EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2009

There's a time for some relaxed mellow sounds. Relaxed mellow sounds such as those provided by Glasgow band Strangetouch. Bands like this - I believe they used to be called Hue and Cry - used to exist in quantity but most seem now to have been supplanted by brash indie rockers.

So what we have here is a collection of four songs that are easy on the ear and performed in an honest and indeed earnest manner. While songs like "Just Not There" struggle to convince - singer Thomas McCallum just can't stretch his voice far enough to make that one work - the rest show a nice melodic touch that would fit nicely in with a visit to the pub on a Saturday night.

There are times when I wonder if music in Glasgow has changed for the better. This EP might not travel any new ground but it is likeable and that's not that common these days.
Review Date: March 7 2010