Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Same Situation by Lamens Terms

Same Situation cover art

Artist: Lamens Terms
Title: Same Situation
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Two guitars and a voice would prove something of a limiting factor to most bands but not to Falkirk based Lamens Terms. Stevie Calder has one of the guitars and Sarah Monteith has the other and the voice. Talking of twos, there are two other songs keeping the title track company on this unassuming silver disc. It's nearly a theme.

This band's indie pop sound usually gets infused with post punk sensibilities and that combined with Ms Monteith's alluring vocals gives them an unexpected charm. Only this time, they've also gone a bit rocky with the lead track on this single, "Same Situation". Don't get me wrong, they not gone all pretentious and complex. On the contrary, the song is pretty much stripped down to the bone but it still works. "Second To None" is more what I have come to expect from the band with understated yet clever guitar underpinning the words and "Not Meant To Be" is charmingly bittersweet like the best in twee pop if a little grubbier. To be honest, it's my favourite of the three.

The sound quality doesn't do the band any favours but the quality of the music shines through nonetheless.
Review Date: March 21 2010