Album, Single and EP Reviews



  A Glorious Egg by Maneatlikepig

A Glorious Egg cover art

Artist: Maneatlikepig
Title: A Glorious Egg
Catalogue Number: MFS Records MFSCD002
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

There's a lot of pretentiousness surrounding musicians. The greatest thing since the Beatles. Best (ahem…) teeth since Beyoncé. Better for you than Bovril. Much scratching of goatee beards on the meaning of it all. Enough is enough. What a man wants is the kind of band that is made for Friday nights and paralysing alcohol consumption. Maneatlikepig perhaps?

Well yes, for they are that kind of band. Descended from pub rock and punk, Maneatlikepig like to shake the floorboards. They're not showy in their presentation - simple rhythms, a bit of edgy guitar and not really jazz like at all approach to the bass guitar - but they get the point across. There's more to them than bravado though as "England's Grass" displays a bit of Billy Bragg style political commentary and "English Town" also pumps up their working class sensibilities.  Most of all, Maneatlikepig run straight and loud so let's not forget that there's simple rocking fun to be had like "Kiss Me Baby".

That lack of pretentiousness is indeed refreshing and while the sound quality and production don't exactly impress (but that does get less noticeable with each additional beer) you can just turn the volume up. Hey, now you've got a(nother) excuse to drink beer and annoy the neighbours!
Review Date: March 21 2010