Album, Single and EP Reviews



  You Are Here EP by No Fxd Abode

You Are Here EP cover art

Artist: No Fxd Abode
Title: You Are Here EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2010

A rare appearance from the sunlight blesses my keyboard as I listen to No Fxd Abode's EP. That's strangely appropriate for these 3 upbeat songs as they make you think of summer.

Musically, they don't really do anything flashy but they've got the attitude (and accent) spot on for indie popsters on the way up. Chris Woods belts out the words with the requisite swagger and the result please the ears. Songs about girls are just what you'd expect from a band like this and "A Million Different Ways" and "Happy" are almost annoyingly catchy. Just to prove that they are clean living boys having a bit of fun, they've even added a song called "For Mum.

No Fxd Abode have a spark that separates them from the pack. No doubt about it.
Review Date: March 21 2010