Spring has sprung here so to get a CD with Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney in a scene from White Christmas gracing the cover seems at odds with the sunshine outside but that's what I've got here.
Sometimes I comment on lyrics but in this case I can't. Not because they're bad or obscene but because I can't make them out. Not a single, solitary, bloody one of them! Contained on this disc may be the Meaning of Life or the Cure for Cancer, but thanks to the incoherent vocals placed so low in the mix, we'll never know.
Wearing its influences on its sleeve, this CD bounces between naff bombastic eighties power-pop and fey melancholy. This is collection of songs which is musically dull, forgettable and nothing you haven't heard before done better (about 25 years ago…) and the more you listen, the more it becomes clear why the vox are so low in the mix - Ezio can't sing. He spends his time either shouting or putting on a silly voice (or both).
One standout track is "Pink Cocoon" and it's noticeable for the wrong reason. This ambient soundscape which belongs over a stoned 70s Sci-Fi movie, seems distinctly out of place on this album. At the end of the 10 tracks we're even 'treated' to a hidden number: "My Best Friend is a Penguin". Presumably this is meant as a lighthearted, avant-garde closer - shame it's just a cacophony of idiot guitar playing and affected vocals.
Star Bell Jar? Shit Bollocks Junk!