There's the beaten path and there's off the beaten path. Definitely off the beaten path are Super Adventure Club if their album "Avoid Zombies" is to be taken as evidence.
These songs aren't your standard pop songs as they lurch - sometimes uncomfortably - between anarchy and b-movie musical madness. Twisting logic from the start ("Hip Hop Pot Pot Noodle?"), this band pretty much set your expectations to not having any expectations as they are going to get stomped upon. That's part of the pleasure here. A song like "Pick Up Sticks" starts all wilful then goes all post rock before messing with your head with lyrics like "…fight like marsupials". What's going to happen next, says my confused (but entranced) brain?
If you are looking for something normal like a three minute sing-along then you won't find it here. You'll find everything else though - Nosferatu even gets compared to Alan Carr in there somewhere! Oh, and I should pick a favourite song so I'm going to go for the borderline psychotic "My Other Brain".
It's a difficult to categorise an album like this let alone give some of those meaningful comparison that we reviewers are fond of. I can say, however, that this album shows more imagination than almost every album I've heard this year. It doesn't always work but Super Adventure Club have more than enough charm to paper over the cracks. If I've got to categorise "Avoid Zombies" as something then I'm going to call it bonkers. Because it is.