Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Free Money by Burnout

Free Money cover art

Artist: Burnout
Title: Free Money
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

On the cover Burnout are pictured hanging around a cash machine as if they are waiting for a victim but, on the other hand, they may be a bunch of good, God fearing lads, looking out for an old lady to help across the road…

The CD gets off to a cracking start, with the rocking 4-to-the-floor bombast of "Let's Dance". It even has a guitar solo (nearly). "Coming Back" comes straight out of the height of Britpop and, while not exactly original, is at least solid.

A few tracks on and, just when I thought I had these guys sussed, "26 Years" pogos it's way into my speakers like being kicked by Sham69 in full Doc Martens - it even comes complete with the Barrow Boy shouts of Oi-Oi!  Vocalist Martin Livingston then does a Shaun Ryder impersonation which John Culshaw would be proud off - whether this is a good thing or not I leave to the personal tastes of the listener. At times, this album sounds like a Happy Mondays/Oasis tribute (and I bet they refer to each other as 'Our Kid' too!).

For all my reservations about the style - I have to admit that "Free Money" is a well rounded collection. Whereas too many bands are one trick ponies, who produce CDs with 11 tracks but only one song (again and again), Burnout understand dynamics. Sneering rockers are peppered with more laid back tracks and that makes this an enjoyable listen as a whole.
Review Date: March 30 2010